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Senior Housing – Due Diligence Submission List

1.  12 Month Trailing Income & Expense Statement – Please include occupancy broken down by month

2.  2022 and 2023 Income & Expense Statements – Please include occupancy broken down by month

3.  3 Year Proforma – Please include occupancy broken down by month

4.  Current Detailed Lease Abstract – Current rent roll (or other evidence of leasing status) showing for each tenant:

  1. Tenant name
  2. Suite number
  3. Square footage of leased space
  4. Current annual base rental rate
  5. Expense payment provisions
  6. Stated options or fixed renewals
  7. Lease and occupancy commencement and expiration date
  8. Any co-tenancy, go-dark, or termination provision
  9. Number of vacant apartment units
  10. Break down of apartment units by number of bedrooms and baths

5. Borrower Information

  1. Please include a brief description of the borrower, principal, and property manager, including real estate experience
  2. Corporate and personal current Financial Statement(s)
  3. Personal Profile

6. Sources and Uses of Funds Statement

7. Brochure, Floor Plan and Pictures of Property

8. Capital Expenditures – Detailed since purchase and future projections

9. Property Demographics

  1. Year built and last year renovated
  2. Breakdown of spaces, including net rentable square footage
  3. Total amount net rentable square footage
  4. Site Plan and Area Map
  5. Neighborhood Description
  6. Competition Analysis