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Loan Workouts / Rescue Financing

Has the interest rate on your senior loan increased?  Is your property experiencing an increase in vacancy and/or operating expenses?  Do you need to raise funds for capital expenditures and/or unit turns?  Is it not practicable to sell your property in today’s market?

Whatever your situation, work with NetLeaseX Capital and we’ll talk to you about raising rescue financing.  Structured as preferred equity and/or debt financing, rescue financing is like an infusion of cash which borrowers can use to gain leverage in workout negotiations with their senior lenders, including, for example, (a) negotiating a lower interest rate, (b) extend maturity date, and/or (c) release or reduction of a borrower’s personal loan guaranty.

In addition, borrowers can use raise rescue financing to:

  • Cover additional interest expense to their senior lender due to increase in market interest rates,
  • Cover any operating deficits,
  • Pay down a portion of their senior loans,
  • Fund an interest reserve for their senior loans,
  • Fund capital expenditures, unit turnover costs and/or renovations, and/or
  • Fund tenant buildouts, and/or pay leasing commissions.

and opportunistically to:

  • Buy out existing limited partners;
  • Cover unfunded capital calls from limited partners, and
  • Pay certain tenants to give back leased spaces.

Understanding and having experience in loan workouts has become a lost art.  With decades of loan workout experience and purchasing non-performing and sub-performing loans, finding the right team is critical to help guiding you to your investment and financial objectives during these perilous times.


    You can read our below articles which have been published in the Scotsman Guide, an industry publication for commercial lenders and mortgage brokers, on the topics of rescue financing and preferred equity.

    Using Preferred Equity to Increase Real Estate Investors’ Leverage and Enhance Returns
    White Paper
    September 2022

    This whitepaper discusses how NetLeaseX works with real estate investors to structure investment relationships with “below the radar” high net worth investors, family offices, registered investment advisors, equity funds, and institutional investors to help such investors, including non-institutional sponsors and even new sponsors who lack financial resources, to raise preferred equity so that they can close more deals and earn more fees.

    Read Whitepaper

    Strategize With Preferred Equity
    The Scotsman Guide
    December 2018

    This article gives an overview on how real estate investors can increase leverage by raising preferred equity to fill the gap between the amount an investor can raise in senior debt financing and the sponsor’s equity investment.  This article further discusses various ways preferred equity investments can be structured including, for example, creating one or more tiers, waterfall priority order (e.g. A/B structure vs. pari passu), recourse, repayment schedules, control rights, and capital shortfall requirements.

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    Throw Out A Lifeline
    The Scotsman Guide
    July 2020

    This article discusses how real estate investors may be able to raise rescue financing to cover operating losses and/or mortgage payments during the Covid-19 crisis.  Raising rescue financing is especially important for real estate investors who may face substantial liability due to personal loan guarantys if their lender were to foreclose; thus, triggering a forced sale at a fire-sale price.

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    Ride To The Rescue
    The Scotsman Guide
    August 2020

    As a follow-on article to “Throw Out A Lifeline”, this article discusses how rescue financing, in effect, works like bridge equity, a temporary infusion of cash from an investor that well eventually be bought out via refinancing or sale when real estate markets normalize.  This article further lists various ways how rescue financing can be structured both as debt and equity investments.

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    If you would like to discuss your situation, please contact Ron Zimmerman for a free consultation at (513) 621-1031, via online chat on this web site or e-mail at ronz@NetLeaseX.com