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Loan Guaranty

While non-recourse financing is available in the market, in certain circumstances, borrowers will need to provide a personal guaranty to a lender in obtain financing and/or facilitate a workout on an existing loan.  In either case, if you need to provide your lender with a personal guaranty but are unable to do so, we can provide or facilitate your obtaining a loan guaranty, in return for any one or more of the following:

  1.   A guaranty fee to be paid at closing;
  2.   A guaranty fee to be paid on a monthly basis, and/or
  3.   Equity participation in your project.

In many instances, the cost of obtaining a loan guaranty is “free” because you may qualify for a lower cost loan or are able to have your lender agree to certain loan concessions in a workout by being able to offer your lender with a high net worth loan guarantor.

If you have situation where you think a loan guarantor may be helpful, please contact Ron Zimmerman at (513) 621-1031 or via online chat on this web site to discuss your situation or send us an e-mail summarizing your project and financing requirements.