(513) 621-1031 info@NetLeaseX.com
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Our Services

At NetLeaseX Capital, we have the hands-on experience and industry relationships to help our clients meet and exceed their investment and financial objectives, including:

  1. Purchase and sell investment properties;
  2. Raise conventional senior debt financing;
  3. Raise mezzanine, preferred equity and/or joint venture financing;
  4. Obtain a loan guaranty from a well-capitalized party in order to qualify for financing, reduce capital costs and/or facilitate a financial restructuring, and/or
  5. Facilitate partnership buyouts.

As part of our services, we have experience and, when and as needed, can help our clients:

  1. Reposition and recapitalize financially distressed commercial real estate properties;
  2. Raise capital to purchase notes and/or fund discounted loan payoffs;
  3. Reposition and recapitalize financially distressed commercial real estate properties, including, for example, raising participating mortgage financing for overleveraged properties, and
  4. Assist in loan restructuring negotiations with lenders and/or other creditors.

We’re “relationship-driven” and work hard to earn our clients’ trust.  We respond promptly when our clients and others involved in our clients’ engagements and we keep our clients informed constantly about our work.

Our on-going mission is to combine our real estate knowledge and business acumen with some “out of the box” thinking in order to provide uncommon insights and help clients balance risks, make informed decisions and take advantage of opportunities.

If you would like to discuss your situation, please contact Ron Zimmerman at (513) 621-1031, via online chat on this web site or e-mail at ronz@NetLeaseX.com.