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Forward Commitment

If you’d like the peace of mind of obtaining a loan commitment today, including locking-in your interest rate, even though you’d like to close at some future point, a forward commitment may help you achieve your investment and financing objectives.  For example, you may consider using a forward commitments if you’d like to:

  1. Lock in your interest rate today so that you’ll be able to refinance a CMBS loan in the future without paying defeasance cost;
  2. You’re currently developing a real estate project and would like to lock-in your rate on permanent financing once you receive your certificate of occupancy, or
  3. You haven’t yet started to receive rent on a lease until until sometime in the future.

We can help secure forward commitments in these situations and eliminate the uncertainty of key deal terms, including locking-in your interest rate.

If you have any questions and/or would like to discuss obtaining a forward commitment, please contact Ron Zimmerman at (513) 621-1031 or via online chat on this web site to discuss your situation or send us an e-mail summarizing your property and need for a forward commitment.