NetLeaseX Capital helps investors achieve their financial objectives using sophisticated, time-tested investment structuring techniques, including preferred equity infusions, to help real estate project sponsors raise needed capital to acquire properties, capitalize new projects or restructure existing loans. You can read the below three articles which have been published in the Scotsman Guide, an industry publication for commercial lenders and mortgage brokers about how real estate investors can raise preferred equity to help fund ground-up development projects and profitable acquisitions and to facilitate loan restructurings, along with an article published on Famcap.com, a leading industry website for high net worth and family office investors about how such investors can access rescue financing investments in real estate.
The Power of Stretch Loans for Family Office Investors
May 2024
This article explores how real estate investors can raise high-leverage, custom-tailored stretch loan financing from family offices and other sophisticated investors. Stretch loans, which combine the features of senior debt and preferred equity, offer real estate investors the opportunity to secure bridge financing for 2 to 3 years with a pay rate of 5 to 6% or, depending on the family office, accruing all of the interest payments.
NetLeaseX Capital Offers Family Offices Direct Access to Rescue Financing Investments in Real Estate
October 2023
This article discusses how family offices and other sophisticated real estate investors can access NetLeaseX’s platform to freely review NetLeaseX’s pre-screened, “investment-ready” transactions, including rescue financing, preferred equity and co-GP investment opportunities. The article further discusses why NetLeaseX believes that a better way to invest in commercial real estate in today’s market is to provide rescue financing to sponsors, particularly in multifamily.
Throw Out A Lifeline
The Scotsman Guide
July 2020
This featured article discusses how real estate investors may be able to raise rescue financing to cover operating losses and/or mortgage payments during the Covid-19 crisis. Raising rescue financing is especially important for real estate investors who may face substantial liability due to personal loan guarantys if their lender were to foreclose; thus, triggering a forced sale at a fire-sale price.
Ride To The Rescue
The Scotsman Guide
August 2020
As a follow-on article to “Throw Out A Lifeline”, this article discusses how rescue financing, in effect, works like bridge equity, a temporary infusion of cash from an investor that well eventually be bought out via refinancing or sale when real estate markets normalize. This article further lists various ways how rescue financing can be structured both as debt and equity investments.
Strategize With Preferred Equity
The Scotsman Guide
December 2018
This featured article gives an overview on how real estate investors can increase leverage by raising preferred equity to fill the gap between the amount an investor can raise in senior debt financing and the sponsor’s equity investment. This article further discusses various ways preferred equity investments can be structured including, for example, creating one or more tiers, waterfall priority order (e.g. A/B structure vs. pari passu), recourse, repayment schedules, control rights, and capital shortfall requirements.