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Office – Loan Underwriting Guidelines

Please incorporate the below minimum guidelines when you prepare and submit your proforma for underwriting approval:

  Rental Income: Based upon current rent roll annualized with vacant space calculated at market rents
(+) Other Income: Must be supported by historical collections
(-) Vacancy: Equal to the greater of the actual vacancy plus 1% credit loss, market vacancy plus 1% credit loss or 10%
(-) Management: Equal to the greater of the actual management fee of 5%
(-) Operating Expenses: Should be supported by previous two (2) years and current year-to-date expenses
(-) Capital Reserves: Typically $.20 per square foot minimum, depending upon property age and condition
(-) Leasing and Tenant Improvement Reserves: Reserves subject to market rates applied to rollover tenants, commissions and tenant improvements.  Additional reserve deposits may be required based on anticipated rollover costs.
  Equals: Net operating income